Roll on Roll off Cargo (RORO)
Superior service for your roll on roll off freight.
Roll on Roll off Cargo
Allison’s RORO Service
Roll on Roll off (RORO) is a more convenient and economical alternative to ship your drivable unit internationally. Rather than shipping it in a container, the piece can be shipped and driven into the vessel as is. Whether it is an automobile, boat, tractor, or any sort of drivable vehicle, RORO could be the best option for you. Additionally, RORO can even accommodate static type cargo such as mining and construction equipment by loading it onto a mafi trailer where they can tow it into the ship. We offer a personalized and high-quality service for your RORO shipping needs. Reach out today to find out how we can efficiently move your cargo through roll on roll off.

Advantages of Using Allison for RORO Cargo
EconomicalLess amount of cargo handling results in lower shipping prices.
SimplicityLess hands involved equals a simpler process.
Handling ExpertsNo matter the size and type of unit, we can handle it.